15 Indian/Desi Story Based Tactile Activity Books For Toddlers (1-3 years) And Pre-schoolers (4-7 years)
By admin in Public Speaking through Stories on August 20, 2021
Create and implement your toddler’s activity class on your own with these easy stories cum real-time activities which will strengthen their motor and fine motor skills, at your home, at your time and at your convenience. No rushing for the toddler’s session, no more hunting for classes. By the way, according to me, “a home has all the entertainment and educational equipment for the toddler”. All you need is a Conscious Parent who is willing to experiment with the ‘Storytelling Parenting Approach”.
As a mother of a toddler every mother is hunting for a mother toddler activity class with the objective to provide the best to her child. Something which will be a perfect combo of fun and learning. Ideally all stages of learning should have fun and experience then learning anything is never a struggle. Somehow, I could never resonate with the Mother Toddler Sessions happening here in my city. May be as a Conscious Parent I knew what will be the best option for my child or I wasn’t at the right centre. I did two sessions and then started activities for my toddler on my own at home. Trust me its super fun and super easy. If you are creative and live in the moment then your imagination and your toddler’s cue will further improvise it and create altogether a new activity or story, and if you do, please share with me as well. If you find it difficult, then join my exclusive Program for Parents called “The Story Bond”. Click here to join: https://notjusttales.com/the-story-bond/
Here is the list of 15 Indian Story cum Picture Books which has crispy storyline and tactile activity in it and your toddler will thoroughly enjoy it. These books are great choice for Read Aloud and Picture Books for your child’s library.
1. What Shall I Make?, written by Nandini Nayar and Illustrated by Protiti Roy is an award winning outstanding international book from the house of Tulika Publishers. Real-Time Story line about a boy called Neeraj and his experience into an imaginary world created with dough (used for chapati). Most Indian mothers must have given atta or dough to her child while making chapati (Indian Flat Bread).
Activity: Take a ball of dough while telling the story and use the dough to make all the animals as stated in the story. You can incorporate more animals. Give a rolling pin and board to your child. Let children explore. Don’t give instructions. Self-Exploration is the key.
Benefits: Strengthens fine motor skills, Self-Expression, Imaginative yet real time value.
Available on Tulikabooks.com
Ideal for 1.5+ years old.
2. Little Fingers, written by Sheila Dhir is another gem from the house of Tulika Publishers. Mugdha Sethi’s illustrations will motivate you do the activities instantly. We are blessed with 2 hands and 10 fingers; this book shows the personality and power of each finger individually and in group. Little babies are inquisitive about their hands and this book is perfect for daytime, bedtime, travel time activity because you don’t require anything for doing any activity.
Activity: Use your fingers and both hands, follow the storyline. Your child will surely follow you. To increase complexity, use strings to make string figure later on when the child is comfortable. To make it more fun give poster colours to kids and imprint on paper, for example-impression of full hand or thumb painting. Me and my child used to do it in our washroom wall because it was easier to wipe the colours with the jet.
Benefits: Child become aware of his own power. Strengthens motor skills.
Available on Tulikabooks.com
Ideal for 1+ years old.
3. UP DOWN, written by Vinayak Varma is a concept book which introduces the concept of up and down, and the appropriate fit in a playground setting. As children like to play with everyone in this story you will see how a child approaches every animal to play with him and how he finds the appropriate friend to play with him on a see-saw.
Activity: Play the opposites game with your child at home. Create a dummy see-saw using card board and show the real show.
Benefits: The deeper understanding that everything we are going to learn from now on is related to our real life.
Available on Tulikabooks.com
Ideal for 3+ years old.
4. Meera, written by Alaka Shankar highlights how we don’t need o buy every toy the child asks for. We can create the same toy at home. A wonderful story about a moment of joy that a parent and child will have while creating a toy together.
Activity: Have a cardboard box, shape your doll house, cut, paste wall paper or paint. Doll House is ready. YouTube has abundant videos on doll house making , you can check them out.
Benefits: The message is clear that every creation begins with a story. Glue and Scissors strengthens fine motor skills.
Available on Childrenbookstrust.org
Ideal for 3+ years old.
5. Lost and Found, written and illustrated by Sukhada Rahalkar is a book every child will resonate because loosing things and looking for them is their favourite game. Full of emotions, from suspense to sadness to humour this book will be one of the best Read Aloud to your child.
Activity: Play Peek-a-Boo. Play concept-based Treasure Hunt where you are trying to teach a particular concept and you hide objects related to that concept and create clues accordingly. For Example-Things required for Brushing, Hide toothbrush, toothpaste, pictures and so on.
Benefits: Brain Storming, Problem Solving, Motor Skills.
Available on Prathambooks.org
Ideal for 2+ years old.
6. Have you seen This?, written by Arthi Anand Navaneeth, this book triggers imagination at every step. Roomani Kulakarni illustration makes your child excited with the possibilities.
Activity: Ask question to your child about How things could be different around them. Ask as many questions as possible because questions give you direction to think. Or leave your child just with the story, a drawing book and colours because they will surprise you with their creations.
Benefits: Builds Imagination.
Available on Tulikabooks.com
Ideal for 3+ years old.
7. My Wall, written by Minnie P. Swami and illustrated by Jagdish Joshi is a classic example of a child’s imagination on a canvas in the form of a story. A moments happiness defined with beautiful illustration.
Activity: Give a drawing book with crayons or black board with chalk or a big wall (if you have a wall for creating art) with water colours and let your child explore.
Benefits: Self-confidence, self-expression, strengthens fine motor skills and spatial reasoning.
Available on Childrenbookstrust.com
Ideal for 3+ years old.
8. Neelu’s Big Box, written by Nandini Nayar and illustrated by Shreya Sen is a book for parents to understand that children need freedom to explore things at home and not excessive toys. Power of less is always more.
Activity: Give an empty Cardboard Cartoon, a safe space and some freedom to your child to enhance his/her creativity. Strictly avoid instructions.
Benefits: Self confidence to create things, convert and destroy things.
Available on Tulikabooks.com
Ideal for 3+ years old.
9. Power Cut, written by Sowmya Rajendran and illustrated by Renuka Rajiv is a powerful book to show children that even in darkness fun is possible. Lights go off, mother lights a candle and so begins a game of elephants, cat and so on.
Activity: Turn off the lights at night or when electricity goes off, Light a candle, then make all the animals with your hands and fingers.
Benefits: Strengthens Fine Motor Skills, Visual Thinking and Sparks Imagination.
Available on Tulikabooks.com
Ideal for 3+ years old.
10. Monday to Sunday, written by Sowmya Rajendran and illustrated by Pratik Ghosh is an exciting story book to introduce Days of the Week in a fun way to children. Instead of rote learning how about making every concept fun and experiential. This book taught me that.
Activity: Become one animal each day of the week, enact their voice, walk, and weave a story on that particular animal on that particular day. Repeat at least for 3 months. For Example- Every Monday you are becoming a Frog, taking out frog sound, doing frog jump. Repetition is the key.
Benefits: Physical and Vocal Exercise strengthens motor skills. The enactment strengthens self -expression.
Available on Tulikabooks.com
Ideal for 3+ years old.
11. Thakitta Tharikitta Bouncing Ball, originally in Malyalam by Jacob Samson Muttada provides you with the sounds of the bouncing ball. A total fun and rhythmic story which will enthral your child with joy.
Activity: Play Throw and Catch with ball. Let the child explore how ball bounce.
Benefits: Strengthens Motor Skills.
Available on Tulikabooks.com
Ideal for 3+ years old.
12. Five Little Monkeys, retold by India’s renowned Storyteller Jeeva Raghunath is a must one for your toddler because of the rhyming text and captivating illustrations by Harsha Nagaraju. An old favourite story infused with rhythm, repetition and bilingual flavor.
Activity: Jump with your child using number skills and follow the story. Leg Tap and Hand Tap 5,4,3,2,1 and all together. Use Fingers to tell the full story. If you have soft toys, you can convert the whole story with live presentation on a small bedcover with 5 toys on it and swinging or jumping the toys by holding the corners of the cover. Your child will love it.
Benefits: Motor Skills, Listening Capability and Number Skills.
Available on Tulikabooks.com
Ideal for 3+ years old.
13. Manners in the Park, written by C G Salamander, is a perfect picture book for building visual vocabulary and good manners with a story.
Activity: Spot the Difference in the book. Look for words. Notice small things about the park.
Benefits: Vocabulary Building, Spatial Reasoning.
Available on Prathambooks.org
Ideal for 3+ years old.
14. My Home, written by Rukmini Banerji, is a book which tells you all about a home, the material and non-material things that builds a happy home.
Activity: Show everything in your house and explain their uses. You can introduce shapes with the things available in your home. Ask your little one to arrange his shoes in the shoe rack in order.
Benefits: Spatial Reasoning and Life Skills.
Available on Prathambooks.org
Ideal for 2.5+ years old.
15. Rusi and Pussy, written by V. Suteyev is a classic example of a story book where characters are created by the child while drawing and what happens next will be seen in the story.
Activity: Draw and Tell Story Activity following the existing story. The child can create a new story by drawing a new one.
Benefits: Story Creation
Available on Eklavya.in
Ideal for 3+ years old.
With these activities and Indian story books you can build a strong bond with your child. It may happen you build on these activities and create a new story or set of activities. Don’t follow instructions, follow your heart. Share your experience with me.
Telling stories to your babies and toddlers will give them the mindset to succeed in life. To learn how to tell stories effectively join The Story Bond for Parents (Learn the Art, Science and Craft of Storytelling for raising happy children, preteens, teenagers and eventually into a whole adult). Click here to join: https://notjusttales.com/the-story-bond/
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Storyteller I Trainer I Drama Educator
Khusshbo Chokhaani
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