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Category: Food Stories

The Stinky Kitchen I Student Kavya I Creative Writing Program

By admin in Creative Writing, Food Stories, Original Stories on July 27, 2023

An original environment story, written by our student Kavya.

Kavya is a student, studying at the prestigious Asian World School, Jaipur. We are proud to have her as a student of the Creative Writing Program through Applied Storytelling under the mentorship of Trainer Khusshbo Chokhaani. We congratulate Kavya for this exemplary true self-expression.

The Stinky Kitchen

This is a story of a working couple who were always busy with their work and don’t give time to maintain their basic hygiene. They were always in a hurry; they never gave worth to anything else than money. They were greedy and careless. The husband Elberto was a careless and dirty person who was not an observer, but he was a very intelligent person who was a master in his work. He was an engineer in a very good position, he stayed outside half of the year for his work.

The first step to a healthy lifestyle is maintaining cleanliness around you. The couple never looked after it. The most unhygienic place in their home was their kitchen which would always stink, have cockroaches all around, utensils in the dishwasher kept unwashed for more than a week and of course, rotten vegetables and fruits were not eaten which was one of the reasons why their kitchen always stinks so bad. This situation got out of control day by day, but both never observed the condition of their kitchen.

One day the wife got infected and enormously sick. The reason was the unhygienic food they were eating; it was not ordered from outside, but their kitchen was so full of pathogens that whatever healthy food they would eat would just cause them more harm than junk food.

Finally, one day the husband saw the cockroaches all around, so he decided to refurnish the whole kitchen. He removed all the old furniture, cleaned the kitchen, and wiped every single corner with the help of a bunch of friends. He got his whole house cleaned and free of cockroaches. Then he bought the new wooden furniture, which was classy, vintage, and aesthetic.

The new kitchen furniture gave an aesthetic and clean look. He even bought an automatic dishwasher so that even after they are busy the machine can automatically clean the utensils. Then he bought a new crockery set and some extra utensils for their house. After taking a big step towards the maintenance of their hygiene by the husband, the wife started recovering from her condition and soon, she got well. After the whole drama, they understood one thing, “your job doesn’t have more worth than your health and hygiene”.

Since then, they have always kept their kitchen clean and maintained, not only the kitchen, but their whole house was also now well furnished, maintained, and clean thoroughly.

Leave your valuable comments for encouraging our students to innovate, explore and express more.

Connect with us: +91 9166488881/ to enroll your 6 to 15 years old child in our Public Speaking, Theatre, Drama, Storytelling & Creative Writing, online or offline program in Jaipur.

The Kitchen Caper I Student Kavya Bari I Creative Writing Program

By admin in Creative Writing, Food Stories, Original Stories on July 25, 2023

An original inspirational tale, written by our student Kavya Bari.

Kavya is a student in Grade 9 studying at the prestigious Asian World School, Jaipur. We are proud to have her as a student of the Creative Writing Program through Applied Storytelling under the mentorship of Trainer Khusshbo Chokhaani. We congratulate Kavya for this exemplary true self-expression.

The Kitchen Caper

In a quaint little town, nestled between rolling hills and dense forests, stood an old and creaky house that had a reputation for being the quirkiest residence in the area. The house belonged to the eccentric Mr. Albert Potts, who was known for his peculiar inventions and strange experiments. However, there was one room in his house that fascinated everyone—the kitchen.

Mr. Potts’ kitchen was unlike any other. It was a fantastical mishmash of contraptions and oddities. There were robotic spoons that stirred pots on their own, levitating fruit bowls and a toaster that always seemed to spew out toast with amusing shapes like smiley faces and animal silhouettes. The townspeople loved visiting the kitchen, curious to see what new invention Mr. Potts had come up with.

One fine morning, as the sun painted the sky with hues of gold, the town woke up to a mysterious occurrence. Overnight, the kitchen had been transformed into a colossal mess. The levitating fruit bowls were all over the place, the robotic spoons tangled in spaghetti strands, and the toaster had gone rogue, launching toast all around the room. It was chaos.

The townsfolk were baffled and amused at the same time. They decided to solve the mystery of what had happened in Mr. Potts’ kitchen. Detective Amelia, a young and intrepid sleuth, took charge of the investigation. Armed with her magnifying glass and notepad, she began to examine the strange scene.

As she pondered over the mess, a sly grin spread across her face. “This is no ordinary mess,” she declared. “This is a perfectly planned prank!”

As the news spread, the townspeople started pointing fingers at each other, each suspecting their neighbor of playing the grand prank. Mrs. Thompson, the baker, accused Mr. Jenkins, the farmer, of harboring a grudge over a pumpkin pie baking competition. Mr. Jenkins, in turn, blamed the mischievous kids who often roamed around Mr. Potts’ house, seeking adventure.

With a growing list of suspects, Detective Amelia decided to question Mr. Potts himself. He was deeply engrossed in his workshop when she arrived, surrounded by beakers and strange chemicals.

“Mr. Potts, did you notice anything unusual in your kitchen yesterday?” asked Amelia.

“Oh, my dear Detective, my kitchen is always unusual!” Mr. Potts chuckled.

Amelia couldn’t help but smile at his response. “But do you have any idea who might have caused the kitchen chaos?”

Mr. Potts scratched his head and pondered. “Well, I did notice a sneaky raccoon hanging around the kitchen lately. Perhaps he’s the culprit.”

The detective found it hard to believe that a raccoon could orchestrate such a plan. But the more she thought about it, the more it made sense. Raccoons were known for their cleverness and mischief.

Putting her trust in Mr. Potts’ theory, Detective Amelia set up a trap with some tasty snacks in the kitchen. Sure enough, that night, they caught the sneaky raccoon red-pawed, attempting to tamper with the inventions.

The town gathered to witness the reveal of the mischievous intruder. As they looked at the raccoon, they couldn’t help but laugh at the absurdity of it all. The raccoon had unwittingly become a local celebrity, and the kitchen chaos became a cherished memory.

From that day on, the townspeople lovingly referred to the kitchen as “Potts Wonderland.” It remained a place of amusement and mystery, and no one ever knew what quirky surprise awaited them when they stepped inside.

And so, the legend of the Kitchen Caper lived on, leaving everyone with fond memories of their quirky little town and its most enigmatic kitchen.

Leave your valuable comments for encouraging our students to innovate, explore and express more.

Connect with us: +91 9166488881/ to enroll your 6 to 15 years old child in our Public Speaking, Theatre, Drama, Storytelling & Creative Writing, online or offline program in Jaipur.


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At Not Just Tales we dive deeper into our Indian cultural and heritage tales like Folklore, Jatakas, Panchatantra, Mythology, Hitopadesa to find solutions to our modern day challenges.
“Stories that you tell yourself either builds you or breaks you. Choose the right story for you and others. What story would you like to be remembered as? ”


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